The Most popular funeralCremation has become the most widely chosen method of funeral disposition. Many individuals prefer to have a ceremony at the crematorium, utilizing their chapel; however, you also have the option to hold the service at a church or any other venue of your preference before the cremation takes place.
The decision regarding whether the service is religious or non-religious is entirely yours. A religious service will be led by an ordained minister or clergy member from a particular faith, while a non-religious ceremony can be officiated by a civil celebrant or a representative from the humanist society.
R Brownless and Grandson are available to assist you in organizing the type of service that best meets your needs.
What happens at a cremation service?
Mourners may choose to gather outside to await the hearse’s arrival or take their seats in the chapel prior to the coffin being brought in. Alternatively, the coffin can be transported to the venue ahead of the mourners’ arrival.
Typically, unless additional time has been requested for the service, a cremation funeral lasts between 30 to 40 minutes. The service may feature a selection of hymns or meaningful non-religious songs, along with eulogies and readings. At the conclusion of the service, the coffin is generally concealed from view, allowing mourners to pay their final respects before the cremation takes place.
Most crematoriums can return a loved one’s ashes within one working day after the cremation, and in some cases, even on the same day. At this point, you may want to consider how you wish to handle the ashes, with various options available for your consideration.