Following a Bereavement

Always available to offer a helping hand....

What to do when someone dies

First Steps

This information is provided for guidance purposes, we are here if you need further assistance

An expected death at home

Contact the GP.

The GP, practice nurse or Trinity Hospice at Home nurse will attend and ascertain that death has occurred.

Call the Funeral Director.

The Funeral Director will transfer the deceased from home to our premises in Polton-le fylde.

A doctor then completes their part of a medical certificate which says the cause of death. This is then sent to a medical examiner (a senior doctor) who reviews it.

The medical examiner or one of their team will then speak to the nearest relative to check they understand and agree with the medical certificate. You can ask the medical examiner questions and raise any concerns you have about the death at this stage. You’ll also be given a formal notice stating that the medical certificates of cause of death (MCCD) has been signed.

Make an appointment with the Register Office to register the death. This process takes approximately 20 minutes.

Deliver the Green Registration Document to the Funeral Director.

An expected death in a Care Home

The Care Home will contact the GP.

The GP, practice nurse or Trinity Hospice at Home nurse will attend and ascertain that death has occurred.

The Care Home will call the Funeral Director, Please check that the Care Home know your choice of Funerl Director.

The Funeral Director will transfer the deceased from the Care Home to our premises in Polton-le fylde.

A doctor then completes their part of a medical certificate which says the cause of death. This is then sent to a medical examiner (a senior doctor) who reviews it.

The medical examiner or one of their team will then speak to the nearest relative to check they understand and agree with the medical certificate. You can ask the medical examiner questions and raise any concerns you have about the death at this stage. You’ll also be given a formal notice stating that the medical certificates of cause of death (MCCD) has been signed.

Make an appointment with the Register Office to register the death. This process takes approximately 20 minutes.

An expected death in a Hospital

The attending Doctor will ascertain that death has occurred.

The Hospital will provide you with a bereavement book this includes information on what to do next.

Contact the hospital bereavement office next working day from 9am – 3pm. (01253 20953723) Please do not attend the hospital without first contacting the office, otherwise the necessary paperwork may not be ready for when you arrive.

You or your representative may be required to attend the office to collect any personal belongings or valuables. By law, a Medical Director is required to provide a medical certificate when a person has died, to confirm the death and to state the cause of death. The Medical Examiner’s team will review the medical records and arrange for the Doctor to complete the paperwork as soon as possible. This is usually the next working day unless the death happened overnight, over a weekend or a bank holiday when it will be issued during the following two working days. Please note that this timescale is not guaranteed. We will:

  • forward the Medical Certificate and Cause of Death (MCCD) to the Registrar’s Office
  • explain the procedures for registration of death
  • return any remaining personal belongings and valuables to you
  • inform you about and refer you to our SWAN Bereavement Nurses.

In some cases where the Doctor is uncertain about the reason or the circumstances of death it may not be possible for the Doctor to issue the MCCD. If the death was sudden or unexpected, the Doctor is legally obliged to inform the Coroner.

Call the Funeral Director.

Make an appointment with the Register Office to register the death.

Deliver the Green Registration Document to the Funeral Director.

The Funeral Director will transfer the deceased from the Hospital to our premises.

An expected death in a Hospice

The attending Doctor will ascertain that death has occurred.

The Hospice will provide information on what to do next.

Call the Funeral Director.

Contact the Hospice to make arrangements to collect any personal effects.

Make an appointment with the Register Office to register the death.

Deliver the Green Registration Document to the Funeral Director

The Funeral Director will transfer the deceased from the Hospice to their premises.